I know not everyone has the desire to clean their home in the spring, but many see this time of year as the perfect opportunity to prepare a nice tidy home in anticipation for the summer ahead, and a clean home will make for a happy homeowner! Here are our tips on how to get your house feeling lemony fresh this spring!
1. Make a Spring Cleaning List
There’s no better way to start a spring clean than getting a clear idea of where to start. Think of how you want to begin; do you want to prioritise the big jobs first? Or do you want to start with the smaller jobs that can be done a bit quicker? Regardless of where you start, if you have a plan for what you want to do, you have a clear goal of how you want to carry out your spring cleaning tasks.
2. Declutter
Do you have something in your home that hasn’t seen the light of day in quite some time? Get rid of it! Rule of thumb, if you haven’t used something in that last six months, then you should definitely consider throwing it away. Organise your personal items into ‘keep’, ‘donate’, or ‘throw away’ sections and make sure to have these clearly labelled to avoid throwing something out by mistake.
3. Remove pet hairs with rubber gloves
Pet owners know more than anyone that pet hair clings like no other! Take a pair of rubber gloves, slightly dampen them and run your hand over surfaces to attract hair. This will also work with a slightly damp sponge too. Simply rinse off the glove or sponge when it’s covered in hair and repeat as needed.
4. Clean out your fridge
This is a job that isn’t done as often as it should be, but this is the perfect time to do it. Empty your shelves and remove them from their slots and give them all a wipe down. Use a toothbrush to get into the niggly parts that are harder to reach. Take a lemon and cut it in half, place each half on the top and bottom shelf of your fridge. The lemon will naturally absorb any odours and leave your fridge feeling lemony fresh.
5. Baking Soda will be your saving grace!
Baking soda is very versatile and can cause dirt and grease to dissolve easily in water. It’s a safe and effective cleaner for glass, chrome, steel, enamel and plastic. It’s safe to use around children and pets and is ideal for cleaning food preparation surfaces.
6. Use a lemon to clean your microwave
Cut a lemon into halves, squeeze the juice into 1/2 cup of water and drop the rinds into the mixture. Microwave for three minutes and let it stand for five minutes without opening the door. The trapped steam will loosen the grime, so you can wipe the microwave clean with