Work from Home
If you managed to work from home successfully during the previous lockdowns, approach your boss and ask if you could carry this on, even if it is just part-time at home. Focus on the benefits you felt whilst working from home and not to mention the fuel saved. There are so many positive impacts that working from home has on the environment as more workplaces are scrapping their offices and working remotely.
Take your pet to work
If you are able, take your pet to work with you. As long as they are toilet trained and don’t interfere with your job too much this shouldn’t be too much of an issue if your workplace allows it. They will appreciate all the new smells of a new place and you will have peace of mind knowing they are safe with you.
Have lunch at Home
If you are unable to do the above, try to head home during your lunch break if you have time. You may not be able to keep this up however, doing this at the beginning will help ease your pet into being at home for long periods without going cold turkey straight away.
Tire them out for the day
This is mainly aimed at dog owners. Try waking up earlier than normal and taking your dog on a long walk before you go to work. You could even add in a game of fetch to tire them out so that they feel sleepy during the day.
Treat Dispensers
Your pet may get bored and hungry if they are used to somebody always being around and giving them the odd treat during the day. You can get electronic food and drink dispensers to keep them occupied. Some treat dispensers have a camera and a speaker attached to them so you can speak to your pet and watch them whilst your out. If you are working during your pet’s usual dinner time, you can get food and drink dispensers that empty the desired amount of food and water into your pets’ bowls meaning they can eat at their regular time.
Puzzles and Treat Toys
Finding a way to entertain your pet whilst you are out can be challenging however, there are lots of different puzzles and treat toys on the market for all types of pets to enjoy. These work by putting some treats that you know your pet loves into a puzzle or treat toy and leaving them out as soon as you leave for work. As they try to figure out how to get the treats out, this acts as a distraction so that they are not sad when you leave and can keep them entertained for hours.
Dog walkers and cat sitters
If you are out for long periods, your cat will require a cat sitter to make sure they are coming inside at their usual times and to make sure they are healthy and have been fed. If you are out for the day, cats are usually very low maintenance so won’t need to be checked on regularly. Dogs, on the other hand, may feel neglected and lonely when you are out. If you are unable to walk your dog twice a day, you will need a dog walker or a helping hand. ‘Borrow My Doggy’ is a trusted dog walker site for people who simply love dogs but can’t get one and so they are happy to walk your dog for free. ‘Dog Walking Now’ is another similar website that you can use.