We always stress the positives of exercise and how it can help your physical and mental health, but with the gyms closed, routines out the window and not to mention the miserable, rainy days we’ve been having lately, it can be very tricky to pick up the motivation. We should be rewarding ourselves for the little victories during this strange time, instead of beating ourselves down if we felt we haven’t done as much as somebody else.
An easy victory could be to take a 30-min walk, every day. You may be thinking, that’s not a lot? But challenging yourself to get up and out into the fresh air can seem like a step too far some days, especially when your house is warm, cosy and rain-free. And just half an hour of walking every day can have some surprising health benefits.
Walking in the rain has never appealed to me, I mean, why on earth would you want to step outside of your lovely warm home and get soaking wet?! But since I recently got caught up in a rain shower whilst taking a walk by myself along The Barbican, I found it oddly therapeutic. I noticed the gentle raindrops on the water that rippled outwards, and the soothing sound that came with it. The air felt pure to breathe in and the quiet streets made me feel at ease. I had space to think in this mad world. Grab your waterproof coat and you’re good to go!
– Your legs will become more toned
– It will help to ease joint pain
– Walking after a meal can help improve your digestion
– Keeps your blood sugar levels stable
– Could reduce varicose veins
– You’ll feel more motivated
– You’ll feel calmer, even if you’re walking in busy surroundings
– You become appreciative of your surroundings
– It might motivate you to exercise more
Walking shoes/trainers – Tick!
Raincoat – Tick!
Water bottle – Tick!
Then you’re ready to get walking!